My Guest on the Show…
Co-founder and CEO of Blooom, Chris Costello, comes on the show today to talk about your 401k, 401a, 403b, 457 or TSP.
Chris spent his entire life in the financial advising world and now he’s blowing the whistle on the crap that he says has been going on for way too long.
He’s talking about the outrageous fees, the terms no one understands (or is supposed to understand), and the ridiculous amount of greed the folks from Wall Street posses when handling your retirement funds.
In 2013, he founded Blooom which he coins as the new way to 401(k).
Chris is extremely passionate about investing and saving for your future and he doesn’t disappoint. We may have had to “BLEEEP” him out a few times during the show, but I completely get it – he’s seen these maniacs ripping people off for way too long and it’s time for a change.
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Mentioned in this Episode
Unshakeable by Tony Robbins
Full Review of Blooom on the Money Peach Blog
Show Notes
Meet Chris and Blooom (with three O’s) [2:41]
Who Blooom was created for [2:41]
Tony Robbins’ book [11:48]
Retirement fees are like termites [13:44]
Why people are confused about retirement [23:50]
Hidden fees in every retirement plan [30:52]
How to try Blooom for free [51:10]
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