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When Mom and Dad are ready to move out of their home and into a senior living community, what is the best way to go about it?
And is there an opportunity for investors?
Phillip, the co-founder of Mom’s House explains the process of selling mom or dad’s house…
75% of Americans over the age of 65 will be moving out of their homes and into some kind of assisted living community.
Phillip Vincent, Founder of Mom’s House
First you have to clean out the house, then start getting contractor bids to get the house “sell ready” and finally painting, repairs and everything else.
What if there were a better way to streamline this process? What if you could take the months of back and forth and turn it into a few weeks?
What if investors could come in with cash offers and get discounted houses as a real estate investment?
This is where Phillip and Mom’s House comes in.
Links from the Show
Do You Need a Budget? (Everyone Needs a Budget)

The first step to reaching financial independence is to have a plan for every dollar in your life. Whether you are looking to cut expenses, increase income, save more, or all of the above — a budget comes first.
You can have the same one I use everyday (free).
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